The Making of 'Tended Hearth' logo by artist Emily Vanns

As we embark on this adventure as ‘Tended Hearth’ we called to our dear friend and endlessly talented artist Emily Vanns to create for us an image that symbolises all that we wish to share through this platform. The images we wanted to include were a crude boulder hearth – large and imposing just as a megalithic stone circle. We have many sacred sites with these stone circles and they are very special to us. They act almost as a portal space, a place where we can go and begin to commune with the other world – in reverence for the ancestors that came before us and did just the same.


The next symbol that was important to us to include was the hands tending to the fire. Through this imagery we wanted to communicate the way in which we desire to tend the sparks of creativity, fanning the flames and clearing the ashes. The hearth space is also a place of community, story telling, celebration which are all elements that we wish to celebrate through the work produced through this platform.


The smoke rolling upwards into the ether is akin to the work emanating out into the wider world to be experienced by all those whose eyes are caught by the sparks of the sacred fire. We are so happy that all of these elements can be brought together in such a potent image, one which will exist alongside the works produced as a reminder of the values we hold dear to our heart.

NewsDavid & George