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Tended Hearth brings together creatives across disciplines to make works that nourish the soul and speak to the heart.



Rooted deeply in the creative communities of Dartmoor and the South West of the UK, Tended Hearth is forging an ever growing and far-reaching network of writers, artists, filmmakers, and creatives of all kind, brought together by a common belief in the power of the genius spark to effect change. Developing works that draw their inspiration from earth-based wisdom and the healing power alive in the creative spirit, we offer a space for collaboration, while providing the tools to grow a bonfire from a cherished spark.


New Releases

Rachael Jones during filming at Merrivale

Upcoming Screenings:
10th & 11th November
Experimental Film Weekender at CMR Project Space Redruth

I am the land (film poem)

“I am the land where stone is stacked on stone,
where ancient living lore sings clear of shrouded holly throne…”

I am the land is a poem of belonging, stomped and chanted into life through a year of seasons roaming the rich and mystic wilds of Dartmoor, England. An offering of words teased from thorny gorse with syllables honed on granite nooks. The 16mm analogue film is layered and coaxed into life, emulating the light and character of the landscape, from the stillness of the moorland expanse to the rugged hum of portentous standing stones. The narration is accompanied by a dilating soundscape that invokes the sense of awe one feels when eking out a moment from our busy lives to be present among the hills.  But the land who reaches to grip you through the screen is not one who suffers meekly at our neglect, but the very heart of the matter, a land who patiently holds our suffering, longing that we reconnect… (9min)


Boulder Awe
(illustrated poetry collection)

Born of the fervent wilds of Dartmoor, where the collection was coaxed and chanted into life, Boulder Awe reaches meaty tendrils out into the muck and magic of our human experience. Featuring the poem I am the land from the short film of the same name, as well as the phantasmagoric illustrations of Elin Manon.

“Tobias enjoys a profound intimacy with his immediate environment, but beyond the purely physical lies the spiritual, the psychological, the mythological, and this too is explored with insight and emotion. He becomes the poet as seer, sensitive to that which lies beneath and above the visible and tangible . . . But it’s the density and intensity of the language, by turns playful and urgent, lightweight and freighted with darker meaning, that engages the reader most . . . the poems crackle with inventive inversions and dizzying displays of verbal acrobatics!”

Elisabeth Rowe, author of Timewise


Featured Projects

The Fates Weaving Book

In an ancient ceremony, one that echoes through the ether and tends to us in the dreamtime: Rosemary Reidel O’Brien, Lily Aisbitt-Waugh, and Imogen Bright Moon meet as Maiden, Mother, and Crone upon the sacred and ancient land of the Grandmothers' Dartmoor. Through their expert hands they tend to a bone knowing deep within, a wisdom that spins yarn from their fingertips and weaves cloth from their deep listening. How can these potent archetypes be journeyed with through their coming together, to weave and spin alongside one another?

Photographer and visionary Michaela Meadow has documented these days of alchemy. The photographs are to be compiled into a collaborative book alongside poetry, short essays, and reflections on their meeting, to make a genre crossing art book, showing both the process and end product of their work together.


Explore our collaborators →

As we embark on this adventure as ‘Tended Hearth’ we called to our dear friend and endlessly talented artist Emily Vanns to create for us an image that symbolises all that we wish to share through this platform.